Tax Compliance

Organising your tax return can be an inconvenient and timely process, which is why it is often easier to hand the task over to professionals. RM & Co can advise you on ways to minimise your tax, complete your tax return, calculate your tax liability and file the return online. If you have undertaken a self-assessment tax return, we can cast an expert eye over it for you too.
HM Revenue & Customs have help lines available to assist taxpayers but the staff are not trained to advise on organising your affairs to minimise the amount of tax you pay. RM & Co offer tax planning reviews and can recommend tax saving schemes that best suit your circumstances. Well known schemes include employing your spouse within the business and recovering VAT.
As the popular saying goes, ‘prevention is better than cure’. Tax investigations by HM Revenue & Customs can have a devastating effect on your business. If you are unsure about tax legislation, RM & Co can assist. If it is too late though and you are already subject to investigation, we can work with you every step of the way to resolve the issue quickly and with as little expense as possible.
Tax compliance legislation can be a complicated affair for individuals and businesses. In addition to helping with tax returns, savings and investigations, we can also offer advice and solutions for:
Year end accounts
Capital gains tax
Corporation tax
Inheritance tax